@Quirt-Evans said in Moving to Canada:
There was a very good analysis that I saw recently. The gist: if you don’t care about due process for non-citizens, you don’t care about it for citizens.
The reason: if there’s no due process for non-citizens, the government can arrest anyone, claim that they aren’t a citizen, and send them to a detention facility in El Salvador without a court hearing.
At a minimum, if someone says they are a citizen, they have to be entitled to a court hearing on whether that’s correct or not.
Yes, Trump likes to overwhelm with illegality it isn't a single move - but on such a scale that makes it difficult for the system or public to fully respond. It is a blitzkrieg of action across a broad front. For example, it seems to have worked with the Emoluments Clause. I'm sure he thinks he could hold up a liquor store without consequence.