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  • Spreadsheet superstars

    6 Posts

    Good read!

    Well, find it to be a good read probably because I have the right nerditude. 😜

    Style-wise, I like the "green on black," it feels like the old monochrome CRT. (I read it in a phone.) Of course when inverts to "black on green," it's also obnoxious like when the old monochrome CRT inverts the colors.

  • Guilty

    14 Posts


  • The puzzle of emergence

    3 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in The puzzle of emergence:

    Cafe Hayek - where orders emerge.


    Cafe Hayek

  • Hi there.

    25 Posts

    @DeweyLOU 😄

  • How Schrödinger’s Cat Got Famous

    2 Posts

    He's only famous if you open the link. 😉

  • Best way to cut an onion

    3 Posts

    I’m just happy I don’t cut my fingers. The onions get cooked, we eat, all is good.

  • Stashed away in a museum

    2 Posts

    Some of the apocryphal stories of Jesus' childhood are a hoot. Think you've had problems with your kids? This is from the Pseudo-Gospel, or Infancy Gospel, of Matthew...

    Chapter 26.

    And it came to pass, after Jesus had returned out of Egypt, when He was in Galilee, and entering on the fourth year of His age, that on a Sabbath day He was playing with some children at the bed of the Jordan. And as He sat there, Jesus made to Himself seven pools of clay, and to each of them He made passages, through which at His command He brought water from the torrent into the pool, and took it back again. Then one of those children, a son of the devil, moved with envy, shut the passages which supplied the pools with water, and overthrew what Jesus had built up. Then said Jesus to him: Woe unto you, you son of death, you son of Satan! Do you destroy the works which I have wrought? And immediately he who had done this died. Then with great uproar the parents of the dead boy cried out against Mary and Joseph, saying to them: Your son has cursed our son, and he is dead. And when Joseph and Mary heard this, they came immediately to Jesus, on account of the outcry of the parents of the boy, and the gathering together of the Jews. But Joseph said privately to Mary: I dare not speak to Him; but you admonish Him, and say: Why have You raised against us the hatred of the people; and why must the troublesome hatred of men be borne by us? And His mother having come to Him, asked Him, saying: My Lord, what was it that he did to bring about his death? And He said: He deserved death, because he scattered the works that I had made. Then His mother asked Him, saying: Do not so, my Lord, because all men rise up against us. But He, not wishing to grieve His mother, with His right foot kicked the hinder parts of the dead boy, and said to him: Rise, you son of iniquity for you are not worthy to enter into the rest of my Father, because you destroyed the works which I had made. Then he who had been dead rose up, and went away. And Jesus, by the word of His power, brought water into the pools by the aqueduct.

    Chapter 27.

    And it came to pass, after these things, that in the sight of all Jesus took clay from the pools which He had made, and of it made twelve sparrows. And it was the Sabbath when Jesus did this, and there were very many children with Him. When, therefore, one of the Jews had seen Him doing this, he said to Joseph: Joseph, do you not see the child Jesus working on the Sabbath at what it is not lawful for him to do? For he has made twelve sparrows of clay. And when Joseph heard this, he reproved him, saying: Why do you do on the Sabbath such things as are not lawful for us to do? And when Jesus heard Joseph, He struck His hands together, and said to His sparrows: Fly! And at the voice of His command they began to fly. And in the sight and hearing of all that stood by, He said to the birds: Go and fly through the earth, and through all the world, and live. And when those that were there saw such miracles, they were filled with great astonishment. And some praised and admired Him, but others reviled Him. And certain of them went away to the chief priests and the heads of the Pharisees, and reported to them that Jesus the son of Joseph had done great signs and miracles in the sight of all the people of Israel. And this was reported in the twelve tribes of Israel.

    Chapter 28.

    And again the son of Annas, a priest of the temple, who had come with Joseph, holding his rod in his hand in the sight of all, with great fury broke down the dams which Jesus had made with His own hands, and let out the water which He had collected in them from the torrent. Moreover, he shut the aqueduct by which the water came in, and then broke it down. And when Jesus saw this, He said to that boy who had destroyed His dams: O most wicked seed of iniquity! O son of death! O workshop of Satan! verily the fruit of your seed shall be without strength, and your roots without moisture, and your branches withered, bearing no fruit. And immediately, in the sight of all, the boy withered away, and died.

    Chapter 29.

    Then Joseph trembled, and took hold of Jesus, and went with Him to his own house, and His mother with Him. And, behold, suddenly from the opposite direction a boy, also a worker of iniquity, ran up and came against the shoulder of Jesus, wishing to make sport of Him, or to hurt Him, if he could. And Jesus said to him: You shall not go back safe and sound from the way that you go. And immediately he fell down, and died. And the parents of the dead boy, who had seen what happened, cried out, saying: Where does this child come from? It is manifest that every word that he says is true; and it is often accomplished before he speaks. And the parents of the dead boy came to Joseph, and said to him: Take away that Jesus from this place, for he cannot live with us in this town; or at least teach him to bless, and not to curse. And Joseph came up to Jesus, and admonished Him, saying: Why do you do such things? For already many are in grief and against you, and hate us on your account, and we endure the reproaches of men because of you. And Jesus answered and said to Joseph: No one is a wise son but he whom his father has taught, according to the knowledge of this time; and a father's curse can hurt none but evil-doers. Then they came together against Jesus, and accused him to Joseph. When Joseph saw this, he was in great terror, fearing the violence and uproar of the people of Israel. And the same hour Jesus seized the dead boy by the ear, and lifted him up from the earth in the sight of all: and they saw Jesus speaking to him like a father to his son. And his spirit came back to him, and he revived. And all of them wondered.

  • Lifetime price lock. Or maybe not.

    3 Posts

    Ain't that the truth.

    I was recently in the market for a portable dehumidifier and was checking the warranty language. Several manufacturers gave longer warranties, anywhere from three to six years versus one year. The catch was that you had to get a malfunctioning unit to a certified repair center and pay for having the problem identified. Then they would pay for the repair. The repair centers were few and far between, and in most cases you'd have to ship the unit back to the manufacturer at your cost. Plus the problem identification cost.

    We're fortunate to have Abt in the area. Huge appliance and electronics store that has become known nationally. We almost never buy an extended warranty, but dehumidifiers have such awful performance records that we make an exception when we buy one. Abt's warranty is $50 for four years. If it breaks during that time they give you a credit to your acct in the amount of the original purchase price. You can use it to buy a new dehumidifier or against some other purchase.

    Still aggravates me that these units seem to have such a short lifespan, but at least it only costs me $50 to use it for two or three years before I have to replace it.

  • Bad time to be a physicist in Russia

    2 Posts

    The rule of man versus the laws of nature.

    Big Al

  • Hello, Havana?

    2 Posts


  • IKEA virtual store

    4 Posts

    @jon-nyc said in IKEA virtual store:

    @wtg said in IKEA virtual store:

    I don’t get it.

    Pretty fair to say none of us here are the target audience. lol

    Yea, I say that often, usually after I see a commercial on TV that goes right over my head. 😑

  • 12 Posts

    I love Uwajimaya; I don’t know if they all have bookstores in them, but the one in Beaverton does. Kinokuniya. I could spend a lot of time in there looking at craft books, pens, paper.

    If I want something not quite as refined, I go to Fubonn, which is a very large grocery/everything store in Portland. The produce is great. And where else can I get pig snouts? (I don’t, but they are available.)

  • Good news for the geezers among us

    8 Posts

    @CHAS said in Good news for the geezers among us:

    That is great. Now they need to find a way to make geezers as active as the youngsters in another activity which will not be named.

    Don’t they already have targeted pharmacology for unnamed activities?

    (Mik beat me too it)

  • Overlooked gemstones

    1 Posts
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  • Apple Messes with CarPlay, Bigly

    3 Posts

    Yeah I’m not fond of “tech-creep” and automation creep…

  • Colorado cannabis market

    2 Posts

    Saw a similar article. It is supposed that as other states legalize recreational sales people are no longer coming to Colorado to buy marijuana. Also, there seemed to be more marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks at one time. There were too many and many are gone.

  • For map junkies

    3 Posts

    I love maps. I love reading maps. I love following along with our various state gazetteers as we do back and dirt roads to find cool fishing spots and pigment gathering places.

  • Ocean Gate

    2 Posts

    Ugh. Disturbing indeed. At the time this happened, I found it hard to read some of the articles about it because just imagining it was awful. I don't know that I want to know more than I already do. 😞

  • A Joshua tree as instrument

    1 Posts
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  • Dining rooms going away. More Americans lonely.

    3 Posts

    Interesting article. I am a bit of a contradiction because I really dislike great rooms, but in our new house, the piano will go in the dining room and we’ll put our dining table at one end of the living room, from which you can also see the kitchen. -_-

    Although at least there’s a half wall b/w the kitchen and the living room, so it’s not as open as those in houses being built today. But it’s still pretty great room esque…