Words you don’t hear much these days
Muddle is actually the correct term for mashing and mixing. It’s standard barkeeper’s usage.
Chiapet? Is that even a word?
I've been known to use salad days, but I never knew it was from Shakespeare.
I'd never heard the term "bespoke" in the US, but it seems to be slowly working it's way into everyday speech here.Another word I recently used in a text was "addlepated " I just think those kinds of terms are fun!
I actually say both among and amongst. And while and whilst.
I also pronounce either and neither as eye-ther and nye-there instead of ee-ther and nee-ther. Mom had an English boss when she worked in the DP camp in Germany after WWII. I think she picked up some of her pronunciation from being around him. And I from her.