Do any of you do the NYT Cooking App?
I use it constantly. It matches my level of cooking ambition. If I'm going to cook, I want whatever it is to get as close to restaurant level as I can get it, but without a lot of fussy or expensive ingredients.
Cindy -- who hardly ever uses any ingredient listed as "optional "
@dolmansaxlil I hadn’t thought about keeping them in Anylist!
@Cindysphinx I don’t use most of the optional things, either. Sometimes I substitute things, if I I have something similar.
I don’t use the app, but I have a NYT subscription, so I see the latest recipes as they are published (online and in the Sunday paper). Some are great, others less so. And some are poorly written (leaving out important steps, etc.). I reject the ones that require multiple fussy steps that I just don’t have time for. Or if I do take the time, the results had better be pretty terrific. (I have a graveyard of printed recipes on which I’ve written “Don’t make again.”)
I may have posted this before, but the very best recipes we make come from Cozy Cook. They’re all available on line but we made so many great meals from her recipes that we bought her cookbook.
@AdagioM It’s the BEST! Once the recipe is in AnyList you can put recipes into your meal plan then tap “Add ingredients to list” and it will open the lists of ingredients for all the recipes for the time period in one long list. Then you just select each one you want to add to the list. If the ingredients have the same name and unit (e.g. 5 oz spinach in one recipe and 8 oz spinach in another recipe) it will merge them into one item on your list (13 oz of spinach) and also have a little note saying that the amount is for two different recipes. If you have different units or name the ingredients differently (oz/grams or spinach and baby spinach) it sadly won’t merge them. But still, we’ve been using it for meal planning and shopping for several years and it’s brilliant!
@dolmansaxlil Thanks, I’ll investigate further. Do you have to have a premium AnyList account to do all that? Mr. AM has a premium account, but I don’t. We have a shared grocery list that he started, but I can’t start and share lists with him.
Just checked - we have a household account! So we can both do all things.