And here’s the one that got away. Saw it in the window of a shop in NOLA. Decided I had to have it. What could it cost? $200? So worth it!
Went back after the shop opened and found that it was priced at $4000! To rich for me. The bull is kind of a consolation prize.
Bought a mountain bike. Want to do more of that. There are a lot of trails around Tucson.
- Will probably land on a cactus
- It arrived less than a week before the first cataract surgery. Got a few miles on the Loop paved bike path.
A mountain bike proves I am still a kid, doesn't it?
@Steve-Miller said in Splurges:
I have a lot of stuff like that. My kids will throw it all away soon enough.
That would be a great photo array should you choose to share it with us!
Our splurges are all related to moving. We left our frayed living room furniture behind and bought a leather couch and chair-that-reclines-but-doesn't-look-like-it. (Much classier than the big ole comfy 60s-style recliners.
The movers broke our adustable bed, so we got a new one.
Ooh--this is a big one. The house didn't have a primary bath, so we added one with some spa-style amenities--a huge whirlpool tub with physical therapy-level jets all the way down the reclined back and a bidet with a heated seat.
@Mary-Anna said in Splurges:
Our splurges are all related to moving. We left our frayed living room furniture behind and bought a leather couch and chair-that-reclines-but-doesn't-look-like-it. (Much classier than the big ole comfy 60s-style recliners.
The movers broke our adustable bed, so we got a new one.
Ooh--this is a big one. The house didn't have a primary bath, so we added one with some spa-style amenities--a huge whirlpool tub with physical therapy-level jets all the way down the reclined back and a bidet with a heated seat.
Now that's my idea of a splurge!