Five years ago
First COVID case in our area was identified. It was the second case in the country.
Wasn’t Mr. Jodi one of the earliest patients?
@Steve-Miller That’s what I’m recalling.
Five years! In many ways it feels like yesterday. When I stop to think about it, it was such a surreal time, but it was most definitely real.
I finally got COVID for the first time last fall. It wasn't too bad, but I also took paxlovid. Who knows what it would've been like if I hadn't.
I think mr jodi came down with symptoms on the 9th of march (after a trip to Kirkland Washington where it was blowing up) and the covid test was positive on the 13th. He was one of four positives in Montana that day, the first four in the State, and we found out about it on the evening news! We had not heard from the health department yet, and they identified the age, gender and county of the positive patients. We got a phone call about a half hour later.
Montana had an enlightened governor back in those days, who did everything he could to protect us. At the beginning of the pandemic, Montana was the covid-free spot in the nation. I had friends in lockdown back east who called wanting to come here to escape. Of course, that couldn't last.