Cottage cheese has a resurgence. Apparently.
Knudsen is the brand I remember liking. Looks like they’re still in business and local stores stock it.
I’ll pick up a carton and see if it tastes like I remember.
I put salsa on it. OTOH, I put salsa on pretty much everything.
Ate it as a child when my mom served it. And that was the end of it for me. I don’t even know if our local markets sell it.
I’ve always liked it. There was once a supermarket chain in Los Angeles named “Ralph’s” where I lived. They stocked cottage cheese in both small and large curd. Some of the small curd ones in addition to the plain flavor were also available in chive or pineapple added. This was a long time ago. Since then, I haven’t seen large curd, chive, or pineapple added ones sold anywhere. Currently, I buy it from Aldi’s.
@Qaanaaq-Qaalaaq said in Cottage cheese has a resurgence. Apparently.:
were also available in chive or pineapple added
I'd forgotten about that! I love cottage cheese and chives.
I eat it from time to time. I prefer the large curds.
@Steve-Miller said in Cottage cheese has a resurgence. Apparently.:
I put salsa on it. OTOH, I put salsa on pretty much everything.
I tried that when I ate some cottage cheese a couple of days ago. I liked it and appreciate another alternative for eating it.
Big Al
We've been sampling our way through the various brands available around here.
Good Culture: Neither of us were fans. Definitely not worth the premium price.
Dutch Farms: Local producer. Thumbs down again.
Daisy: Our previous favorite, available at Costco. Still number 1, but the tasting experiment continues. -
Local BJs is out of cottage cheese. No loss - they sell Daisy and it’s never been very good. Watery.
Still looking for Knudsen.
@Steve-Miller said in Cottage cheese has a resurgence. Apparently.:
Local BJs is out of cottage cheese. No loss - they sell Daisy and it’s never been very good. Watery.
That was our complaint about Dutch Farms. Good Culture was too dry. Daisy is just right, not watery at all.
I looked up Knudsen and noticed that they are owned by Lactalis Heritage Dairy. Turns out they own some well-known brands besides Knudsen.
Heh. They make the Parmesan Cheese in the green cardboard container.
Doesn’t bode well.