Got My mail-in ballot today
I do too.
Seriously? You'd consider voting for the platter of shit dusted in broken glass? (Reference to David Sedaris: “On Undecided Voters: "To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”)
Does it really matter if you agree with Harris' policies or lack thereof? No it does not. This is an emergency.
@Mik - We are all very different in how we see the world and there is no single truth for all of us. I respect you and your opinions, and believe you to be a thoughtful person who takes this decision seriously.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't try to sway you my way...
I think the opinions of the people who worked in his first administration and those of elected Republicans who have come out against him say something hugely important about Trump. I'm sure you know who many of them are, but for completeness I offer this:
These are people who worked with him directly and who do not think he is fit to hold the office again. In most of their cases they have nothing to gain personally, and may in fact have a lot to lose. People like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger basically gave up their political careers to do what they felt was right. So did Pence. I think that speaks volumes.
One other thing is Ukraine. While none of us has a crystal ball, I wonder if Trump were elected, whether he would basically just hand it over to Putin. I think that's likely.
As a life long Democrat, I'm telling you Kamala Harris was not nominated democratically (the irony- and which you know), and was part of a disaster of an administration (which you know) to which I'll add six points.
Biden/ Harris worked against the traditional politics of the Democratic Party to an extent you have to go back to Clinton "going to China" (Nixon reference, obviously) by selling out the working class and beginning the destruction of the middle class by shoving NAFTA down the Party's throat to put in context.
Biden/ Harris have raided the Medicare trust fund, and have degraded Medicaid in more ways than I feel like repeating. They have done zero to protect Social Security.
The opened the border with their "catch and release" policy wrought by rescinding the previous administration's executive orders on border policy resulting in 6 million aliens adrift in the country.
They have made the housing crisis into a nation nightmare, have failed to prevent an almost third world level of inflation since the pandemic, and have sent countless hundreds of billions to Israel and Ukraine while letting Americans suffer in multiple natural disasters by doing little to nothing.
Harris hid and hides Biden's dementia to this day, Harris had never been met with an interviewer's question (as recently as the Fox interview) to which she didn't deign to give a straight answer, and, she never has given one (not one) in any interview.
Biden and Harris specifically (by her own admission, that she disagreed with nothing Biden ever did) has been complicit in a genocide that had been live streamed for a year (anyone who says it not a genocide is plain ignorant, genuinely, willfully, or blindly).
I ask you why would anyone want to willingly give their endorsement to what Harris has done by voting for her?
I wouldn't fall for the Trump= Hitler narrative to get past everything I said.
It is a lie we have been told. Trump was never a Russian asset, either. This has been proven to be a lie. Trump doesn't intend to end "democracy." This is a lie. Trump never said he was going to create a dictatorship. See the actual quote. This is a lie.
The Democrats would have to actually stand for something to get my vote. I don't know what they stand for but it's not us.
Biden and Harris will never wash the blood off their hands. History will remember them for what they have done.
Trump is owned by the same people (Miram Adelson, the rest) who own the Harris campaign. Money makes the world go around.
He was a terrible president. He'd be marginally better in terms of domestic policy than Biden only because Biden set the bar so low.
The elephant in the room is the fact there's been more than one assassination attempt.
The first one was an in your face farce and nobody questions it. It must have some meaning but it's beyond me to understand.
I think he'd try some reforms and fail. He'd obviously be as bad (you couldn't be worse) on Israel's war of territorial expansion.
The short answer is-- no. Not in depth like that.
I haven't spent my life thinking about Republicans and I've thought of Trump as much as necessary and no more.
I'd vote for a ham sandwich before I'd vote for Trump. A ham sandwich with dementia. The entire electoral system needs a major overhaul. It is utterly and unredeemably corrupted by dark money and rules that are undemocratic and are vestiges of slavery. How elections are funded and how they are decided needs a total revamp. Having said all that, what we have now is what we have. I definitely believe in choosing the lesser of evils. Voting for a rapist, felon, con man, swindler, liar, and altogether depraved human being is utterly unconscionable. Character is destiny. Character matters.
I may have said this before, but we all only 'know' the candidates through our choice of entertainment media. Therefore, when people that have worked closely with a candidate cross party lines to support a candidate from another party, THAT'S something that really grabs my attention. No matter what you think of Trump or Harris, listening to those that KNOW how Trump really operates should tip the scales - unless there are a bunch of those that have worked closely with Harris that are crossing lines to support Trump.... I haven't seen any evidence of that!