Trump rushed off stage at PA rally
Gun and ammo purchased legally by Crooks' father.
Crooks' former classmates haven't had anything remarkable to say about him.
The man who died , Corey Comperatore, was a married firefighter with two daughters. His wife spoke with Gov Shapiro and said he dove on family members to protect them.
Remarkable photo by a NYT photographer. Shows the bullet whizzing past Trump's head.
That took place about 16 miles from where I live. Apart from the name recognition of the intended victim, it seems like just another assault rifle shooting. Move along; nothing to see here. Those weapons have many legitimate uses and anyhow, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Big Al
How the planning might have failed.
The shooter's motive is still a mystery.
Security had been increased in Trump's detail before Saturday because of concerns about a possible Iranian assassination attempt. No indications that Crooks was connected to that. But holy cow anyway.
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