Plausible Deception
I got around to reading the book this week. I learned a number of things I didn't know about violins. The acknowledgments at the end helped explain why some parts seemed almost autobiographical to someone acquainted with the author via internet forum postings over many years.
All in all, I enjoyed it and the plot twists kept me guessing until the end. I'll share it with someone who might also like it.
Big Al
@Big_Al yes, major parts of this book, and any follow-ups, are heavily autobiographical. It isn't a total 1:1 parallel, the Dan and Greg characters are always open to some fictional nuancing for the good of the story, but weaving much personal reality into the book is very intentional. As just one example, the scene detailing Greg's terrifying incident in LAX actually happened, almost exactly as detailed in the book. In fact, it was while discussing that event post-terror when I commented, "This is the kind of thing you read about in a book, not experience in real life!" which, after thinking about it, was how the idea for the book first came about.
@AdagioM go to . You can order it directly there, and somewhere on the order page is a prompt something like "Is there anything else we need to know about your order?", special instructions, etc. In that box, just say that you'd like an autographed copy. The publisher has a box of them and will be delighted to send you one.