At the hospital
Hope she recovers quickly!
We have 2 ice machines now - one was from a couple of years ago. Both the same unit, so I can load them both and she can swap as needed when I am gone for a while. Improving each day, but still swelling in the arm and lots of bruising that should start fading. She's doing more each day, so that's good!
Started in 2023, first NASCAR race on city streets. Some info about the race, one story from July 2023, the other from October:
Mixed reactions from business owners and residents. I remember seeing some articles about how loud the race cars are.
@wtg They do an Indy race in Detroit and we (unknowingly) headed over the border during it this year. It went right over top of the border guards and the guy we talked to already looked terrible and was definitely not happy with having to work all day with the noise. It was LOUD and the sound bounces off the concrete so it was noticeably louder beside his booth than in open air.
When I lived in Toronto they did a race down at Exhibition place and it was audible at my apartment 7 km (by street… a little shorter as the crow flies) away.
Oh in that case you’ll definitely be able to hear it. There’s a speedway less than 2 miles from where we live.
It sounds exactly like this:
Link to video