The regular grocery stores and Trader Joe's have them, but the shelves don't look well-stocked. I'm sure Costco is the cheapest around here and that's why they're out. We checked at the front desk and they were supposed to get some in today but we're not quite at the point where we need any yet, so we'll just hang loose.
We bought some Greek yogurt, though. It's very good! 5% butterfat....
I have about 30 now. With coupon $4 for 18. Saw on the news where some restaurant owner was complaining that she was paying $1 an egg. If that’s true she needs a new supplier.
We eat a good amount of eggs. Even at two for a buck they’re still a bargain for protein. This shortage will pass.
The supermarket had them the other day, but with a limit of 2 cartons per customer. I bought a 6 pack of Pete and Gerry's organic since I still have some in the fridge. $3.59.
Funny you should mention yogurt, SK. I bought a Probiotic Yogurt Culture a few weeks ago. I haven't yet used it, but maybe this week I'll be making my own... as an experiment.
@Bernard My grandmother used to make something we Lithuanians call "rūgštus pienas". Literal translation is “sour milk”. It's basically a yogurt- or kefir-like dairy product. She used to put the bowl with milk and a splash of buttermilk from a local dairy on top of her gas range, which of course back then had a pilot light. Perfect temp for fermentation! Also for proofing bread dough.
Back in stock. But three's the limit.
I know SPAM comes in a lot of flavors. Here's one I've never heard of. It's a Costco exclusive!