Farewell Address.
@Steve-Miller said in Farewell Address.:
I don’t see P2025 going anywhere either. If it does I’ll worry about it then.
I hope you're right, but "worrying about it then" might be too late?
No administration can come in and fundamentally alter our form of government in a term, especially since an incoming president with a favorable congress has only two years. If they try to move something too far or too fast they lose their Congress. There are far too many checks and balances, and things done can pretty easily be undone if they are not popular.
America is not just the president, not the congress, not SCOTUS. It's 330 million people, plus 50 state governments, countless local governments, all of whom have agency of one degree or another. Remember that congresscritters still have to answer to their constituencies back home, and most of those who support Trump have no love for government oppression or overreach.
@Mik, since Trump is demanding loyalty, it's not going to be a government of the people, it's going to be a regime. In the past 10 years we haven't seen the republicans in congress--or anywhere, for that matter--(except for less than a handful) lift a finger to hold Trump accountable for his crimes. They have been enablers on grand scale. I don't expect that to change.
At the same time we've seen a "news" organization so corrupt it's had to pay almost a billion dollar fine for lying. Fox is nothing more than propaganda which all too many are willing to be led into, blindly. These are the same people who vote for the incompetent nitwits who call themselves congress people. Add to that anti-social media, and voila, here we are. I don't expect it to change.
Our system of checks and balances failed, this is a fact. I don't expect this to change.
But having said that, I hope I am wrong, but I'm not expecting the best from Trump and his cronies, who have infiltrated every level of government from very top to very bottom.
We’ve seen a Democrat party so corrupt that it would literally stop at nothing to try from day one to destroy a president and anyone around him. and after that a citizen. A party where candidates ran on the promise of destroying him. A party that covered up for a demented old man until the charade was exposed then threw him under the bus and installed an unelected candidate.
I’m not crazy about Trump getting another term. We had more qualified candidates on both sides. But it’s hard for me to see him as the greater threat.
@Mik Well, I'm in agreement that the Democrats, as a party, aren't perfect. And I'm as pissed as anyone by the charade that came from the WH, and Biden's broken promises. And he's gotten a lot of deserved flack for it. But he was removed by his own party (not for breaking laws, but for breaking trust), albeit too late.
I'm assuming that the man you accuse the Democrats of trying to destroy is Trump? After what America saw in his first campaign, and his first term, and after Biden's election to office, any sane people would do what they needed to do to ensure Trump never came close to that office again. There are even a handful of republicans who recognized this and are no longer in office. (One can go on and on about the number of high ranking officials who warned us about him.) The rest of the party excused the insurrection, made up lies about it, sat by while Trump ridiculed our military, our constitution, lied every time he opened his mouth, etc. ad naseum.
That's the difference between the two parties. One is clearly fit to do their best to govern, with all their flaws. The other is anti-American in that it is unwilling to do the right thing for our country.
@Mik, the whole world sees. The idea that the Democrats are as corrupt as Trump is laughable. The fact that republicans are on bended knee to Trump makes them complicit in his actions. The party belongs to him now and they will go down with him. They have abandoned all pretense of caring for American Democracy. I am not claiming the Democrats are entirely free from corruption (they obviously are not), but they have not propped up, enabled, and voted for an agitator and instigator of insurrection--a convicted felon--to sit in the oval office. They have not aligned themselves with a "president" who sat 3 hours twiddling him thumbs while the capital was under attack. They (the Democrats) have not disregarded the warnings of several prominent military leaders. The republicans will rue the day they forfeited their integrity for this derelict fool.
Trump is a symptom of a system of great inequality in America. He appeals to those in desperation. The republicans knew and continue to know who Trump is, but they decided to take advantage of the situation and took the low road. They will pay, but so will a lot of innocent people.