Anyone here had that one? Supposed to have fewer side effects.
Seems available at all of our CVS stores. I may give it a try.
My friend got the Novavax vax last week because the Pfizer one always made him sick.
No problems with the Novavax.
I hope not. I’ve always gotten Pfizer jabs and have never had a reaction.
As I recall, it is thought that feeling sick is evidence of an immune response, but not feeling sick isn't cause to think the vax isn't going to be effective for you..... If I recall correctly.
In fall 2023, I got the flu shot and the covid shot (either Pfizer or Moderna) at the same time, one in each arm. They say it's fine to do that, but I was super, super sick. It was awful.
So this fall, I spaced them out. I didn't react to the flu shot at all, and my symptoms after the covid shot were much more manageable.
I won't be getting a two-fer any more.
A little more current write-up"“There’s this perception that this is some kind of second-line vaccine that people take if they don’t want to get the mRNA vaccines,” says Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease doctor and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, “but it should not be.”
“They’re equivalent, and there may be some advantages to getting it,” he told me."
@Rontuner thanks for that article, I’ll take a look.
I worry about vaccine development being stunted, and access and timing of updated vaccines decreasing, over the next four years….
@AdagioM exactly!
The whole reason they advise people to get both vaccines at once is because they worry that otherwise, the person won’t come back for whichever one they didn’t get the first time. There’s probably some statistical data backing that up, since pharmaceutical compliance is said to be not that great any way.
But that is not me. I’m committed to getting those vaccines and I’ll be sure to make time for the second one (I spend my time getting breathed on by germs college kids after all). So I’m splitting them up from now on.
Speaking of compliance, maybe people would be more compliant if they didn’t get sick after the shot, so maybe splitting the shots up would be better on the end if it meant less people were impacted by those side effects.
Ok I just read that article. Sounds like Novavax could be a good option for next year. Now my only question is, is Novavax updated the way the mRNA vacccines are, and will there be an updated novavax vaccine available when I’m ready/due for my next shot.