California fires
Sickening. DEI is just another tool the right uses to mask their hate.
But the article states, "... Elon Musk, one of the brightest minds of his generation..."
What? Says who?
Here is a great response from a vlogger, Naughty Nana DUZ, in Canada...
Link to video -
View from news helicopter after smoke cleared--
Link to video -
I've been a fan of Jesús Enrique Rosas for a long time. He has a single 'brand" now but his videos about the British royal family used to be a separate YouTube channel.
Link to videoI'm not invested in the concept of "DEI" and, in fact, "DEI" came into place at a time when I was paying no attention whatsoever. I didn't learn about it until well after it was established as, "something."
So, I'm not saying anything about it.
I'm only saying as a discrete observation I agree this lady is a sociopath.
She's talking about almost unimaginable tragedy and she's grinning without stop.
She hasn’t been a great mayor but she had nothing to do with the intensity of the fires.
Recently learned that my brother has been evacuated from his home in Valencia. They’ve been packed and ready for a week and have already boarded their dogs. They’ll be staying friends closer to downtown.
Now I find out they’re evacuating Santa Monica. Santa Monica? Yikes! You can’t get much farther from brush lands than Santa Monica.
Maybe they’re overreacting. We can only hope.
@Steve-Miller oh no! I’m sorry to hear that your brother had to evacuate.
Steve I have friends in Santa Monica worried about being in the path of the fires. How can that be an evacuation zone?
(Granted I have not been paying very close attention to the latest news of what is burning where.)
If anyone wants to read my piece on wildfire it's in Sports Illustrated online. I think the site is called "SI Vault"--from before there was an internet.
Okay, it was easy to find. It profiles the Smokejumpers, wildland firefighters who parachute into fires from planes, but really that's just a way to get readers interested in fire science and the politics and logistics of wildland firefighting.
Not to be the prophet of doom, but given that Trump(BS,CF) just withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord, you can expect more fires, more tornadoes, more flooding.
Still, there's always somebody worse off; spare a thought for the inhabitants of the Maldives, Solomon Islands etc.
Well, Andy, it's just my personal opinion, but I'm having trouble referencing this back to Trump. I can assure you vis a vis the Los Angeles fires in California and the Lahaina fires in Hawaii, including the second one in which the authorities literally turned people around, prevented them from escaping, and condemned them to unspeakably horrific deaths, the Democrats in the two states, in Los Angeles, and in Lahaina Town, have been firmly in Democratic political control for decades. The various governments have a responsibility for land and resource management, for regulating utilities, and so on. It was the case in both California and Hawaii that governments led by Democrats failed on every conceivable level. You can't fail to monitor power companies, know power lines are in such disrepair that they are falling over in high wind onto ground you know is not being maintained periodically to clear it of brush, aka various plants known to be ignition sources, and not expect uncontrolled fires. You can't divert the water to resorts and developments such that the fire hydrants are empty and fires can't be contained. You can't empty reservoirs for any reason when the water serves the purpose of providing water to firefighters and expect to contain fires. The fires in Los Angeles and Hawaii would have had a reasonable chance of containment without the gross mismanagement of land and natural resources. All of these fires and the historical failure of the relevant governmental agencies to control them are a direct result of corruption under Democratic governments.
The winds must be blowing embers far in to the city.
(Edit:) the evacuation order for Santa Monica has been lifted.