I don't like what I'm seeing
He's going for shock and awe. We mustn't be shaken. Could be worse--like when Saddam Hussein came to power. Trump will do a lot of things that on the face of it will seem awful. Most of it can be corrected, but we'll have to bide our time. As long as he (they) don't try to stifle elections (I'm not putting it past them), but then we'd have revolt.
I just read those headlines in the NYT. I feel sick and heartbroken.
It seems to me that this moment was only possible because of a propaganda machine that infected the public's mind and perception of what is true. Fox News and company. The good people I know who enthusiastically voted for this aren't reading and hearing and seeing the reports that you and I are reading/hearing/seeing. They are in a completely different media universe.
So long as "alternative facts" are allowed to pollute the media environment, we aren't going to change this. We have to at least be able to agree on the facts. Which means that the mid-term elections will go the same way. The oligarchs will pour dark money into those races and by the next presidential election--well, we may not have one.
I think we can look to Putin's Russia to see what we are about to become.
We can't agree on the facts if the government and their media scribes or the tech oligarchs are demanding to dictate the facts to us.
We must go back to respecting First (and Fourth) Amendment rights although our country has gone far enough along the opposite path I can't envision a way back. I certainly don't foresee one in the immediate future.
Thought this thread might be a good place to share this resource--a weekly podcast called "America at a Crossroads," produced by Jews United for Democracy and Justice. Some of the smartest interviewers and deepest thinkers I have ever encountered in any medium. Highly recommend. Tomorrow night they have the editor of the Atlantic on to discuss the inauguration and where we are headed from here. But I recommend you also take a look at their past programs. You can watch any of them for free.
Harsh but true ...
@pique said in I don't like what I'm seeing:
Thought this thread might be a good place to share this resource--a weekly podcast called "America at a Crossroads," produced by Jews United for Democracy and Justice. Some of the smartest interviewers and deepest thinkers I have ever encountered in any medium. Highly recommend. Tomorrow night they have the editor of the Atlantic on to discuss the inauguration and where we are headed from here. But I recommend you also take a look at their past programs. You can watch any of them for free.
Great recommendation, @pique . Just listening to last night's discussion. Will definitely catch up on some of the past conversations, too.
@Piano-Dad said in I don't like what I'm seeing:
Harsh but true ...
Yes. I'm reminded of the folks who didn't vote because "both parties are equally bad." Uh, nope.
I’ve been looking for reliable sources that report on the concentration camps under construction and I can’t find them.
So nothing about ovens - yet.
I don't usually watch a lot of videos (though being able to speed up the audio is great!), but I highly recommend this one with Goldberg from the site @pique linked to.
Link to video@pique said in I don't like what I'm seeing:
What did you think of Goldberg's take on Trump? He called him a genius. Talked about how his whole approach is very Middle Eastern in style. Called him a real leader. I was a bit taken aback, but I could see his points.
It was one of the best interviews I've seen in a long time. I thought his remarks about Trump were spot on; he totally has Trump and his strategies nailed.