The Power of Supercitizens
Lurking among us are anonymous heroes who quietly amplify social cohesion. Here's what we can learn from them.
My former neighbor Mary is a supercitizen. She has such a powerful sense of community and also of service. She hosted neighborhood gatherings and did volunteer work into her mid-90s. She's 99 and still fully engaged.
I find that once you start volunteering the opportunities to volunteer more just pour in. I’m the board chair of our Foundation with lots of volunteer roles under that, I’m on the Public Advisory Roundtable of the American Thoracic Society, I’m co-director of a public-private partnership between Industry and the FDA advancing drug development tools in my rare disease, and I sit on the data safety monitoring boards of two different NIH studies.
All this five years after first getting involved.
But I wouldn’t call myself a ‘supercitizen’. Those seem like more local community star volunteers.
When we moved to my suburb a decade ago I had thoughts of getting involved locally. That doesn’t seem likely anymore. In my particular case my experience is better focused on beating this disease.