A previously unknown (to me) form of reflux
I sent this thread to Mr. AM, who found it very interesting. He checked on drug interactions with Gaviscon, and there were several for things he takes. Double check before you decide to buy. He also mentioned problems with citrus fruits and juices, so be aware of that, too.
Good luck to all y’all refluxers!
We make less acid as we age. A Naturopath told me to try a tablespoon of vinegar before meals. I drink half a glass of not cold water with the meal, more water would dilute the acid. I have been doing much better since I started it. Once in a while I take a Gaviscon with alginate. Otherwise I take apple cider vinegar or a betaine hydrochloride tablet before every meal. Have been riding a bicycle and getting out and doing things since I started the practice.
I called Gaviscon Canada today. I try to limit sodium and wanted to have a better idea of how much I might be taking in while I'm taking the Canadian Gaviscon. I knew there was some sodium carbonate in the tablets but the amount wasn't listed on the label, so I couldn't calculate an approximate sodium content.
Final answer:
Regular strength: 22.6 mg sodium per tablet
Extra strength: 29.95 mg
Max Relief: 34 mgI can live with those numbers with the number of tablets I'm using daily.
I asked why the alginate products aren't available in the US. He said that the US Gaviscon is made by a company called Haleon, and that the Canadian Gaviscon is produced by a completely separate company that is only licensed to sell and market in Canada.
I had looked at the various Gaviscon products that show up on various sites. They all have different formulas. Some have aluminum or magnesium, some have potassium carbonate instead of sodium carbonate, and I saw different sweeteners, too. Sugar, aspartame, and saccharin.
With these GI and ENT docs developing their own alginate product lines, I wonder how long it will take Haleon to launch one here. Clearly there seems to be a market developing for it. The US Gaviscon does list alginic acid as an inactive ingredient in their product but from the anecdotal stories I've heard, people haven't had as good results with the US product because there isn't enough of it to form a good raft. Plus the US product has magnesium and aluminum and people often try to avoid aluminum.
Your useless facts for the day!