What's the secret to Denmark's happy work-life balance?
Samantha Saxby, an American human resources expert, says Denmark has such a good work-life balance because the country "prioritises collective well-being".
By contrast, she says the US "has long emphasised individual achievement and ambition, which has driven tremendous innovation, but often at the cost of work-life balance".
Yet Ms Saxby, who is director of marketing for the US National Human Resources Association, says that companies in the US and elsewhere around the world may be finally following the lead of Denmark and the other equally happy Nordic nations.
"Progressive organisations are introducing benefits like unlimited paid time off, mental health days, and wellness programs, to encourage employees to prioritise self-care," she says. "These measures not only alleviate pressure, but also demonstrate that employers value their workforce's overall well-being.
"More companies are recognising that well-rested and balanced employees bring fresh ideas, better problem-solving skills, and greater engagement. Employees are beginning to feel empowered to take the time they need without sacrificing career growth."
@wtg said in What's the secret to Denmark's happy work-life balance?:
"More companies are recognising that well-rested and balanced employees bring fresh ideas, better problem-solving skills, and greater engagement. Employees are beginning to feel empowered to take the time they need without sacrificing career growth."
Where are these (mythical) US companies? I'd like to work for one!
(I fear academia will never have work-life balance...)