Built by upside-down giants - AKA the new house thread
Well, we got all moved. Whew! Now the fun part -- getting everything set up. And put some artwork on the walls (we've had almost all of our artwork in boxes for the last year).
But the other "fun" thing is learning all the quirks that you find in any house. This one, so far?
- All the outlets are (to me) upside-down. In my experience, a three-prong outlet should have the third prong on the bottom. In this house, they're all upside-down.
- Many things feel like they were made by someone much taller than us. Fortunately not the kitchen, but things like the shelves in the bathroom. Mr SK and I are both short-ish (I'm 5'4" and he's just a little taller than me). SO far nothing that's really a problem, but it does give me a chuckle!
Other than that, this is the nicest house I've ever lived in.
Funny how even the orientation of outlets generates discussion; check out the comments:
Wonder what @Steve-Miller thinks...
There is plenty of discussion on this topic in various YouTube videos. As the posted article correctly notes, there is no standard defining the orientation. My personal preference is for the ground pin below the hot and neutral, but ultimately, it's like discussing whether the toilet paper should run off the top or the bottom of the roll.
Big Al
WTG thanks for the link, I’ll check that out!
Big Al, great point re comparing it to the toilet paper roll!
In any case, we’ll have to learn to live with it because there’s no way we would try to change them ourselves and I wouldn’t pay for someone else to change them when they’re perfectly functionable!
@CHAS said in Built by upside-down giants - AKA the new house thread:
Was told it is customary to turn only the plugs ins that are wired to a wall switch upside down.
Ooh, that's interesting!! The new house has those plugs that are wired to a wall switch in the main bedroom, but no where else.