The Map of Board Games
As many of you know, I am an avid board gamer. I know that, at least for a while, @Mary-Anna and @Quirt-Evans played board games as well. If you have ever wondered what the appeal is or how adults could possibly love board gaming so much, this video gives a glimpse into just how much variety there is in games today. The middle of the video is a bit of an ad for the guy’s game, but overall it’s an excellent overview of the world of modern board games!
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That’s a great overview of games. I never thought about the various characteristics of games, and how complex the categorization is.
Mr wtg and I have gone through periods where we play a board game to death and then never go back to it. We’ve stuck to the well-known classics like Scrabble, Yahtzee, Rummikub, and word games like Perquackey and Boggle. I used to play backgammon during lunch at work and was actually a decent player. But now I don’t even remember the rules!
We still play board games! Mary Anna more than I do. All of our kids and grandkids enjoy them (mine, surprisingly so). One of my daughters is avidly into D&D now, too.,
@Quirt-Evans I used to play D&D but haven’t played in years. My kid and his girlfriend play though! Our recent favourite board game is Dorf Romantik. It’s a cooperative tile laying game with a campaign element. Think Carccassone but co-operative. We find it really addictive so we usually end up playing twice back to back. Highly recommend!
@Mik said in The Map of Board Games:
My BIL designs and markets board games. We played his latest one the other night. Complicated, but lots of opportunity for strategy. After you've played it once it becomes clear. He also has Mines of Pekari.
I remember you sent this to me! Unfortunately we play almost exclusively 2 players or I would check it out!
@wtg If you ever want to try a modern game that doesn’t stray too far from the classics check out That’s Pretty Clever! It’s a Roll and Write like Yahtzee but with a lot of strategy and interconnecting parts. It”s a Family Weight game so really approachable and it’s super fun!
@Jodi said in The Map of Board Games:
Great video. Wish my family liked board games more.
Not that you need another solo hobby as I’m sure painting and pigments take up all of your solo hubby time, but solo board gaming is also a thing!
@dolmansaxlil yeah, it could work with two, but would not be as much fun.