Traffic-based Driving Analysis aka Spying on you
Allstate, the second largest insurer in the U.S., has found new ways of monitoring what you do in your car, including everything from the volume of your stereo to the people you ride with.
The new patent discovered on August 11th, titled “Traffic-based Driving Analysis” according to the Chicago Tribune, details all sorts of things Allstate want to watch you do. The plan is to use monitors and cameras already featured in many vehicles, like those offered on some insurance plans that score the driver and offer reduced rates for safer driving, while also developing new technology and methods. The list of things Allstate wants to check you up on is ridiculously lengthy.
Yep. It's why I decided to skip the State Farm deal for ADT security. Free basic system and installation and a reduced rate for monitoring. But you have to allow ADT to share your data with State Farm. I was
We did do the State Farm Ting deal for the gizmo that monitors your home electrical system, but as I recall, the privacy notice said Ting does not share any data with other parties, not even State Farm.