USA Demographic Decline - Low Birth Rates
Why are more adults not having children? New study may have an explanation.
57% of adults under 50 who say they’re unlikely to ever have kids say a major reason is they just don’t want to; 31% of those ages 50 and older without kids cite this as a reason they never had them
Most common answer - It just didn't happen.
I'm a bit surprised. That seems so apathetic. I can understand infertility as a reason some couldn't have children and other reasons as distinct choices to remain childless, but I wonder how many other outcomes in people's lives just do or don't happen without any specific choices being made.
Big Al
You still have people like JD Vance who seem to think that there's something wrong with people who do not to have children. The fact that he was so open with his comments leads me to believe that there are a lot of people like him out there. Mr wtg and I don't have kids, and for a long time we got the "when are you going to have kids?" question.
I think a lot of people don't feel like they owe anyone an explanation about personal things, and an answer like "it just didn't happen" sort of shuts down the conversation.