Return of the osprey
With nests on telephone poles, once-endangered osprey are flying high in Cook County (IL)
There is an Osprey nest across the road. When they come back in the spring it made the local news until there was concern that they were getting too much attention. It is a very tall pole with a platform on top. Stepped through trees on the river that goes by my place to witness an Osprey grabbing a trout from the river a few years ago.
Bald eagles nested unsuccessfully on an island in the nearby lake. It was too cold at that location. A pole with a platform on top was placed somewhere around here but the location was not announced -
There is an eagle that perches on a power pole behind the house in Huron.
He must be pretty good at fishing because every time I go up there I find that he’s left me picked- over fish carcasses on the back grass.
@Steve-Miller You may get a free cat soon.