Don’t Believe Donald Trump
I have a new rallying cry, thanks to this video, which I found surprisingly comforting.
Don’t believe Donald Trump.
Meh. While I agree that one of Trump's strategies is to overwhelm, we disregard what he says at our own peril. When Trump said "You'll never have to vote again" he wasn't joking. Trump's political capital is not thin amongst those who hold the levers of power: the Republican party. If Klein thinks embarrassment means anything to the Republicans, he's wrong. They weren't embarrassed when Trump swayed on the rally stage like a zombie movie extra for 40 minutes. If anyone thinks a sense of decency will prevail in the Republican party they've had their heads in the sand these past ten years.
Does Mr. Klein fall into that group who thinks we should step back while this regime self-destructs? While the Republicans control all three branches of government what difference will it make if it does so? How long will the rule of law hold and who will impose it? Will our system of checks and balances work? That is the question. It failed to hold a so-called president accountable for dereliction of duty on Jan. 6 at the minimum. And he sits in the oval office today.
It seems to me the Democrats are way too invisible already. Not that I think they should pounce on every new item every day 24 7. But they need to be visible and loud. Not least of all so that we don't get to the next election and people have to ask, "Who?"
I dislike the video format for the opinions section of the Times, they should also offer a written version.
For a different view, here's another opinion from today's NYTimes. Free gift article: