I have to start going to garage sales again
I would not peg the painting as one of Van Gogh's. It's interesting that the group who are saying it is is an investment firm. Quelle surprise. Their findings are pretty weak if you ask me (the paint is from the period, a hair analysis says it belonged to a male,etc.). The painting has not been authenticated by the Van Gogh museum and, based on material they've seen, say it cannot be a Van Gogh. It sure doesn't look like Van Gogh's style.
People here leave all kinds of stuff on the street for people to take if they don't want it anymore or if they move out.
I went to an errand and walked by a place with nothing outside and on my way back in less than 1/2 hour walked by the same place on my way home. There was a bunch of stuff.
The best thing was a huge piece of furniture with 3 drawers in metal runners and six cubby hole shelves. It was some kind of Asian wood (I think) veneer made in Vietnam. It was very well made, solidly constructed, in great condition, and heavy.
I looked it over and decided I had to take it before someone else got it.
I walked home and immediately returned with my dolly. It was easy to move because the weight of it made it stay in the dolly without moving.
I dragged it home. I got a friendly offer from a guy to bring it to my house with his truck. I smiled, thanked him, and said I didn't have far to go.
I got a friendly offer from the man next door to help me move it inside as soon as I got home (it had to clear two concrete steps). I smiled and politely declined. We talked about it for a few minutes, introduced ourselves, and shook hands.
This was in the course of two blocks. My neighbors are very friendly.
I sprayed it all with cleanser and wiped it down with rags. Then I sprayed it down with a hose and let it dry in the sun.
Then I moved it into my house and into my bedroom.
I figured out it was an entertainment console when I got it in place. I'll use the top as a shelf, the three drawers under it as dresser drawers (actually one for medical stuff, one for tools and office supplies, and one for papers) and the six shelves for clothes.
It's 48" by 28" and 36" high. It's huge in my tiny room. It looks like a piece of Gilded Age furniture. Lol.
It's too big for my room. I love that.
The wood warms up my room and breaks up the monotonous color palette. It's against the outside wall opposite my door. It's imposing and makes a kind of barrier between me and the outside.
It is below my window and gets good light.
I put a medium sized copy of Rodin's The Thinker on top of it right in the center. My roommate lent me the statue until I can get a solid wood five drawer tall chest. Then my console will then be moved into the living room.
I love it. It adds a lot much storage space to my room. It will fit better by being closer to the wall when I get rid of my closet door. My closet door stays all the way open creating a triangle of wasted floor space.
This is the first piece of furniture I've found for free and brought home. I can definitely see why anyone might make this a habit.
Doesn’t look like his painting to me either - style and the way he paints his hands is different.