Without going into the whole backstory, the piano (a 1970s vintage 9ft Steinway) at my place of employment needs some work. Namely the tuning pins are loose and the piano tech (who happens to also be my personal piano tech) has suggested we replace them with larger pins and have the piano restrung. He does not do this kind of work but has suggested someone reputable that we should call. He also tossed out a dollar figure that I thought was shockingly low (~$1800) as what he estimated this work would cost. He did say he wasn't really sure though, since again, he doesn't do that work.
Fast forward a bit and we have contacted the guy he recommended and the actual quote is closer to $5K. Since the budget was already designed around this $1800 figure and that is the number that everyone got into their heads, my bosses are kind of choking a bit about the cost. They got another recommendation from one of their long time personal tuners and that guy (without seeing the piano) tossed out a quote of $2200-$2400. Of course my bosses want to go with the cheaper guy, but my piano tech (who was out today tuning my piano) is warning me of all the things that can go wrong when you go with the lowest price. And of course, no one here knows either of the guys who would be doing the actual work -- both guys are referrals from our personal piano tuners.
So my question is how much is a realistic price for replacing the tuning pins with larger ones and restringing in a 9 ft concert grand? Is $2200 suspiciously cheap? Or is $5K an overpriced "I don't really want to do this job so I'll quote high" rate? I know that when I heard the initial ballpark of $1800 I thought it seemed really low, but since i have no idea what this sort of work actually costs, I had no actual reason to think that - just a gut feeling. So I'm trying to figure out what the typical cost for this project is so that we can decide if we want to go with expensive guy, cheap guy, or keep shopping around.
Thanks for any info you can provide!